rocklabs-io / ic-py

Python Agent Library for the DFINITY Internet Computer
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Canister trapped explicitly: IDL error: illegal type table #79

Closed bodily11 closed 1 year ago

bodily11 commented 1 year ago

I'm transferring $ghost token using ic-py.

If I pull candid from the canister and use the canister interface, I get an error: "IDL error: illegal type table"

Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/yg/mzpfyl291vx30knxqlx43d2r0000gn/T/ipykernel_33617/ in <module>
----> 1 my_canister.transfer(
      2     {
      3     'amount':int(0.1e8),
      4     'from':{'address':'485d6d59c0b58fea568b339dccd63106422c5404f684bcf6d55f4cbccd49ac6d'},
      5     'memo':[],

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ic/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     63                 )
     64         else:
---> 65             res = self.agent.update_raw(
     66                 self.canister_id,
     67       ,

/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ic/ in update_raw(self, canister_id, method_name, arg, return_type, effective_canister_id, **kwargs)
    114         status, result = self.poll(eid, req_id, **kwargs)
    115         if status == 'rejected':
--> 116             raise Exception('Rejected: ' + result.decode())
    117         elif status == 'replied':
    118             return decode(result, return_type)

Exception: Rejected: Canister fjbi2-fyaaa-aaaan-qanjq-cai trapped explicitly: IDL error: illegal type table

However, if I define the type table myself, it works just fine.

canister_id = 'fjbi2-fyaaa-aaaan-qanjq-cai'

types = Types.Record({

values = {
params = [{'type':types,'value':values}]
params = encode(params)
response = agent.update_raw(canister_id,'transfer',params)

So not sure what is wrong here. Maybe it has to do with the "blob" type that is returned in the candid? I can't figure out why it won't work for me to use the candid I get back from the canister when I run __get_candid_interface_tmp_hack

Would love for you to take a look. Thanks!

Myse1f commented 1 year ago

I think it should be fixed in #80