rocksclusters / base

Base roll for Rocks Clusters
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ROCKS7: Modify behavior and/or update docs for custom partitioning #20

Closed tcooper closed 7 years ago

tcooper commented 7 years ago

Order is important...

Rocks7 custom partitioning cannot be done in extend-<node>.xml and possibly in replace-<node>.xml due to new installation behavior related to Anaconda in CentOS 7.

Example solution is to splice onto the graph with custom graph & node XML...


<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>


<edge from="compute" to="compute-partitioning"/>
<order head="compute-partitioning" tail="partition"/>



<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

cat &gt;&gt; /tmp/user_partition_info &lt;&lt; 'EOF'
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=[device_name]
part / --fstype=ext4 --size=65536 --ondisk=[device_name]
part /scratch --fstype=ext4 --size=1 --grow --ondisk=[device_name]


Where [device_name] is sda or vda or other raw block device detected during install.

ppapadopoulos commented 7 years ago

Thanks, Trevor. The most likely fix will be:

  1. define a node in the base graph called custom-partition.xml
  2. have the base graph define the order custom-partition --> partition
  3. modify docs to suggest extend-custom-partition.xml as the place to insert custom partition code
ppapadopoulos commented 7 years ago

Partially completed. Latest version has custom-partition. Docs haven't been modified yet.

ppapadopoulos commented 7 years ago

Resolved by