rocksclusters / base

Base roll for Rocks Clusters
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Install new HD and make available to the nodes #37

Closed rpedruzzi closed 4 years ago

rpedruzzi commented 4 years ago

Dear All,

I have a question which probably is an easy task. I am new to rocks cluster and I would like to know how do I add new HD into my frontend and make it available to the nodes access it, run, read and write inside this HD.

For example... I have my export area where I work with no problem, but I do have a second HD which was mapped as /hd1. When I try to run my model inside the /hd1 (inside /hd1/test for example) using the nodes processors, I got an error saying that the mpirun of the node could not find my executable.

Can anyone help me? I would really appreciate it.

smhr commented 4 years ago

Hi @rpedruzzi

You may find these notes useful.

rpedruzzi commented 4 years ago

Hi @smhr

Thank you so much. This is exactly what I need.
