rocksclusters / base

Base roll for Rocks Clusters
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rocks dump escape xml tag #9

Open lclementi opened 10 years ago

lclementi commented 10 years ago

rocks dump does too much escaping with attributes:

rocks set host attr compute-0-0-0 attr=cpu_match value="host-passthrough: <topology sockets='2' cores='8' threads='1'/><numa><cell cpus='0-7' memory='29360128'/><cell cpus='8-15' memory='29360128'/></numa>"

rocks list host attr compute-0-0-0 | grep cpu_match
    compute-0-0-0: cpu_match                         host-passthrough: <topology sockets='2' cores='8' threads='1'/><numa><cell cpus='0-7' memory='29360128'/><cell cpus='8-15' memory='29360128'/></numa>    

rocks dump host attr compute-0-0-0
/opt/rocks/bin/rocks add host attr compute-0-0-0 cpu_match host-passthrough:\ \<topology\ sockets=\'2\'\ cores=\'8\'\ threads=\'1\'/\>\<numa\>\<cell\ cpus=\'0-7\'\ memory=\'29360128\'/\>\<cell\ cpus=\'8-15\'\ memory=\'29360128\'/\>\</numa\>

rocks dump should use the parameter and the double quote e.g.: value="aldkfkjdfk"

This should also be updated in the KVM users guide which report a bad example for the XML attribute.

