rocksdanister / weather

Windows native weather app powered by DirectX12 animations
MIT License
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Multiple monitors issue #25

Open DreamPhreak opened 9 months ago

DreamPhreak commented 9 months ago

On my main monitor, it looks fantastic, When I move the window to my left monitor, the whole thing slides off the screen and leaves me with a dark screen Moving it to my right monitor (i have 3 monitors), it works fine, so its only the left one that has a problem.

This is the Overcast background, if that helps. I haven't tested with any others.

rocksdanister commented 9 months ago
  1. Can you share your Windows screen configuration?
  1. What is your GPU? is all the monitors plugged into the same card?

I cant recreate this bug on my system.

DreamPhreak commented 8 months ago
  2. rtx 3070, yes all 3 plugged into the gpu. Also the monitors are different sizes lol, main is 1920x1080, left is 1440x900
rocksdanister commented 8 months ago

I think its the window dragging code fault, you can verify:

  1. Check if this happens with other effects (Rain or Snow.)
  2. I just pushed a new update v1.0.20 that lets users turn off some motion effects. Enable Reduced motion in accessibility settings and try dragging with cloud background and see if it still turns black.
DreamPhreak commented 8 months ago
  1. (Tested on 1.0.19) Rain and Snow scenes continue to work perfectly when dragging to different monitors.
  2. (Updated to 1.0.20), tested with and without reduced motion and seems to be working better:
  3. I managed to partially recreate the black screen by having the window on my main monitor, dragging the scene to the side so the "camera" kind of hugs the edge of the tunnel (as close to the clouds as possible), and then drag the window to my other monitor, it kind of messes with the camera so its flying in and out of the edge rather than flying through the tunnel, if that makes sense