rocksdanister / weather

Windows native weather app powered by DirectX12 animations
MIT License
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Detect my location #45

Closed MrPropre closed 6 months ago

MrPropre commented 6 months ago

Thank you for making this weather app, it's so much better than the MSN one. The only feature I miss is automatic detection of current location. I often travel between multiple cities in my country, and I have a laptop so it would be easier to just detect my location.

Thank you in advance!

rocksdanister commented 6 months ago

There is Windows API to get latitude and longitude but the issue is to get the city name will need reverse geocoding support from the open-meteo provider

JaneATM commented 6 months ago

Ystem.Net.Http.HtpRequestException:发送请求时出错->System.Exception:无法我到与借误码关联的文本 无法与服务器建立连接 在Svstem.Runtime.Exceptions Ispatchinfo.Throw0+Ox21 在System.Runtime.CompilerSen ThrowFornon-Success(任务)+0x70 TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task)+0x38 在Svstem.Runtime.CompilerSe 在Svstem.Runtime.CompilerServi Waiter.ValidateEnd(任务)+0x17 15.MoveNext 0)+0x79d 在Svstem.Net.Htto.HttoHandlerToFilter -堆栈跟踪的末尾 抛出异常的地方-- 命令0+0x21 在Svstem.Runtime.Exceptior 在系统运行时间。 ThrowFornon-Success(任务)+0x70 在系统运行时间。 HandlenonSuccessandDebuggerNotification(Task)+0x38 在System.Runtime (Va IdateEndCask)+Ox17 奥莫 113.MoveNext 0)+0x2c9 获取不到位置信息啊 为啥