rockstor / rockstor-website

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Add Zulip icon/link to "Our Partners" #68

Closed phillxnet closed 1 year ago

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

We use Zulip currently for a subset of side channel developer discussion and notes. In time we hope to also use it for support purposes: once our new fiscal arrangements are in place. The Rockstor Project, as a community focused open source endeavour, have service sponsorship from Zulip via the following program they offer:

This issue is to address a, requested by both parties, cross promotion effort: on our part to add a Zulip Logo to our main website's (source in this repo) front page "Our Partners" section using the newly updated instructions available in the following link:

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

The given instructions indicate the preference for a round icon. However given our existing icons are oblong, and we have no facility, as yet, to add text, I think it best we go with the also provided (and newest):


Which has the word Zulip contained within. Useful for when there is not already an awareness of this 'brand'.

Resized to be in-keeping with our somewhat unsophisticated presentation currently: i.e. 60px hight.

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

Closing as: Fixed by #69