rockstor / rockstor-website

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Switch 'Shop' in header for "Open Collective" #79 #81

Closed phillxnet closed 1 year ago

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

Includes move to relref in contend md and adoption of newer Hugo md renderer Goldmark's render hook: render-link.html - to enable external link opening with target="_blank" (in a new tab). A similar filter was used to do the same for menu items via header.html additions.

Fixes #79

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

The proposed changes here, re external links in their own tabs, is not absolute. We have remaining some doc links (menu items) that still do not open in their own tab. However more is resolved here than is left unresolved in that regard and we have the all-important new Open Collective (which does, in prior-existing and new menu item guise) open in a new tab.

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

Merging to promote our new Open Collective status, and to assist in removing at least most of our prior 'overlapping' nature of what are independant sites (forum etc) where we previously opened in the same window which could distract from folks otherwise exploring the main website. It would be nice to add some form of identifier that indicates which links are external and which are local the the main website.

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

PR product PRODUCTION published.