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Setup legacy landing page #85

Closed phillxnet closed 8 months ago

phillxnet commented 1 year ago

As of 1st July 2023 we no longer use our now legacy subdomain of 'shop' ( a Shopify backed shop-front previously used to take financial contributions and, in-turn, via API polling from our Appliance ID manager 'Appman' (, play a part in fulfilling Stable Update subscription memberships via activation code issuance via email.

We have now begun the process of enabling Appman's interoperability instead with our new Fiscal arrangements managed, in the open, by our newly established Open Collective:

See the following forum thread for context of this earlier-than-planned transition:

It is proposed that, in the context of the above, we establish a new landing page for those visiting to explain the now differing arrangements regarding fiscal contributions - and differing requirements regarding activation code emails.

Our prior shop took Appliance ID entry via Web-UI or url 'applianceid' specification. This has yet to be established in our Open Collective Stable Updates subscription tier - but is believed to be possible via customFields and their consequent order values presented in order.customData. However this Open Collective counterpart has yet to be enabled on the front-end but is partially implemented in our Appman back-end. So for now we have implemented, within Appman, the ability to enter an initial Appliance ID on newly created (via WebHook initiated call backs from Open Collective) orders.

So we now have two Stable Updates subscription membership activation code receipt paths:

  1. Become a "Stable Updates subscription" member at Open Collective with NO Appliance ID entered:
    • Email will be sent to the new member inviting then to enter their Appliance ID into Appman.
    • Appman can then create the activation code, and email it to the email address in the Open Collective order.
  2. Become a "Stable Updates subscription" member at Open Collective WITH Appliance ID entered:
    • Email will be sent to the member with their activation code.

(2.) is akin to our prior arrangement - as detailed earlier: but we currently have in place only option 1: because we have yet to establish the associated tier customFields. There is also the potential for less friction/fuss when less elements are involved in any one step - even if further steps will ultimately include the otherwise complicating info: read Appliance ID requirement being dropped as an option in our Open Collective tier membership. However optional entry would be good for convenience renewal links and the like. And our current Appman implementation will fail-through to the behaviour in 1. above if no order customFields are found. So when/if we add this in our relevant tiers, they can be marked as optional.

phillxnet commented 11 months ago

The redirect in question here looks not to be achievable at the DNS level alone. So we will likely need a web server configuration to address our -> page. Or whatever we end up naming this dedicated page.

The proposed new landing page for our old shop should also explain that minimal relevant legacy order info is maintained for reference in our page for reference. And that any existing orders made during our transition will remain active and in time will be migrated to full Open Collective instances within Appman once their associated subscription is renewed.

phillxnet commented 11 months ago

The current plan here is to:

  1. Change our DNS so point now to our server (Website).
  2. Add a '' vhost to this webserver with a 301 (Permanent move) for all prior contents to end up on this issue's proposed legacy shop landing page.

My concern here is to handle folks clicking on links within old Shopify emails that would have resolved to their specific order details. We need a catch all that resolves all prior contents at to the proposed landing page that is the subject of this issue.

phillxnet commented 11 months ago

For reference I have now confirmed that prior order email confirmations from Shopify contain the following two links: View your order or Visit our store with the former having a long URL of numbered directories etc, and the latter linking directly to

phillxnet commented 8 months ago

Tried doing a green highlight for Appliance ID to match our in Web-UI formatting via shortcode:


{{ $colour := .Get 0 | safeCSS }}
<span style="color:{{ $colour }};">
{{ .Inner }}

{{< color-text "#00ff00" >}}Current Appliance ID{{< /color-text >}}

But no joy, I think it's something to do with an more strick html renderer.