rockstor / rockstor-website

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Improve home page header text #88

Closed phillxnet closed 11 months ago

phillxnet commented 11 months ago

Currently we have, a thrown together at the time (by me): Rockstor now on Pi4 Ten64 & More

Where-as, given the increasing number of aarch64 SBC, some of which our Ten64 ARM64EFI installers will work on, via the Embedded Boot or Server boot standard, it is proposed that we modify this key header to emphasise the ARM64EFI compatibility and not have this over-rule our X86_64 stalwart compatibility.

I'm thinking here of half-brained reviews indicating our CentOS x86_64 only nature from many years ago! - while showing a picture of the Pi4 (in famous case) in a presumably automated screen home page grab.

So we are after something to highlighting our cross arch capability i.e. 'AMD64/ARM64EFI' in line with @Hooverdan96's work to formalise our arch referenced in for example , and given the Ten64 platform folks (via @mcbridematt) have supported the project via hardware donation and code contribution/review it would be nice to maintain the Ten64 highlight here: especially given we have installers custom made for them (again thanks to @mcbridematt) and we feature in their docs:

So all in what this looks to boil down to is more explict mention of both architectures while maintaining single line succinctness, and ideally also have for example a 'Uses openSUSE' element in there. Doable with a reduction in conjunction likely.

Many folks will see only pics and heading - and if nothing grabs their eye or they miss-read they may think we are a custom OS with little backing yet appreciate the difficulty of rolling ones own - yet this appreciation is in part a defining characteristic of the DIY NAS audience. So lets update this header a tad to not throw the baby out with the bath-water :).

Hooverdan96 commented 11 months ago

How about a tagline like:

"Rockstor, a multi-architecture (AMD64 & ARM64EFI) NAS appliance, using BTRFS and powered by OpenSuSE"

I know, not really related, but you might want to fix this error in Rockstor spelling immediately here:

phillxnet commented 11 months ago

@Hooverdan96 Thanks for the suggestion: but that is way too long. We are after something viewable in the blink of an eye as it were. We have the like of this elsewhere. But on this line we need the absolute minimum. I.e. I was thinking of say:

Rockstor - a DIY NAS Built on openSUSE - AMD64 & ARM64EFI / Ten64

But that is still longer than I had hopped.

Note that we have some restrictions on how we can use the 'mark' openSUSE. And currently we use the officially sanctioned 'Uses ...' (in our Web-UI header) and 'Built on ...' in our docs etc. See our EULA page here: which in turn links to: Where the capitalised 'Powered by ...' is there, but I'd rather not have too many different references and the Uses and Build on were my favourite and among the shortest.

Re Rocksor :). Yes we should get to that one. Nice find.

Hooverdan96 commented 11 months ago

Do we need the DIY in there, since that's also explained in the other sections below? "Rockstor - a multi-architecture NAS built on openSUSE"

and in this section: image

add the actual architectures to that:

"Rockstor is a Linux and BTRFS powered storage operating system with advanced NAS and Cloud Storage features, supporting multiple architectures like AMD64/ARM64EFI/Ten64 and more."

phillxnet commented 11 months ago

OK that's a thought. Still long on the Features sub-header but better there than in our main header. Plus all better than what we have.

How about we try to squeeze "Open Source" in that main header text? It's pretty key to our 'standing' , but long for the blink catch.

Hooverdan96 commented 11 months ago

yep, like this?

"Rockstor - an Open Source multi-architecture NAS built on OpenSUSE"

of course, we could consider dropping Rockstor in the beginning, since the Website title already shows it with the Logo/Name combo ... then it would become

"An Open Source multi-architecture NAS built on OpenSUSE"