rocky-linux / infrastructure

The infrastructure monorepo for the Rocky Linux project. This project will be archived/deprecated in the future.
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Document configuration & everything for openproject/netbox/wiki server. #23

Open NeilHanlon opened 3 years ago

NeilHanlon commented 3 years ago

Need to start diagramming the dependencies of these applications for when they get deployed in HA.

Right now they are in docker on my server. Openproject and wiki.js are sharing a postgresql server. Separate databases. Separate users.

Will update with more in morning.

Darkbat91 commented 3 years ago

wikijs is done here @hbjydev has access to migrate it into rocky when he gets a chance. postgres role is good in geerlings role we just need to add a post task to enable ssl once we have an internal CA.

l00ptr commented 3 years ago

Do you need help to install and configure a postgresql server ? Could you explain a little bit more what you exactly need. If you want i can help you to write / adapt your ansible role or playbook on this specific part.