roclark / sportsipy

A free sports API written for python
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Active Branch with specified requirements installed not returning expected results. #785

Open kevinhayden1 opened 10 months ago

kevinhayden1 commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug Currently, Sportsipy is not working on this branch for even the basic examples on the README.

To Reproduce The contents of this Unit Test:

from sportsipy.nhl.teams import Teams as NHLTeams
from import Teams as NBATeams
from import Teams as NFLTeams
from sportsipy.ncaab.schedule import Schedule as NCAABSchedule
from sportsipy.ncaaf.boxscore import Boxscore as NCAAFBoxscore
from import Boxscore as MLBBoxscore
from import Team as FBTeam

class SportsipyTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_nhl_teams_2018(self):
        teams = NHLTeams(2018)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(teams, NHLTeams))

    def test_nba_team_names_and_abbreviations(self):
        teams = NBATeams()
        for team in teams:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(, str))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(team.abbreviation, str))

    def test_nfl_team_information(self):
        teams = NFLTeams()
        lions = teams('DET')

    def test_ncaab_game_dates(self):
        purdue_schedule = NCAABSchedule('purdue')
        for game in purdue_schedule:
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(, str))

    def test_ncaaf_away_interceptions(self):
        championship_game = NCAAFBoxscore('2018-01-08-georgia')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(championship_game.away_interceptions, int))

    def test_mlb_game_dataframe(self):
        game = MLBBoxscore('BOS201806070')
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(game, 'dataframe'))

    def test_fb_team_goals(self):
        tottenham = FBTeam('Tottenham Hotspur')
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(tottenham.goals_scored, int))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Expected behavior The expected behavior is for prints, equality found or asserts to be true for the provided test. Currently, these are not returning the expected results.

Screenshots Screenshot 2023-08-14 122003

As seen in the screenshot, what I have also noticed in additional NBA statistics specific testing, is that the first line is interacting with the data on but nothing is being returned.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Is the issue possibly related to URI changes on Is there a simple fix or is this software being made obsolete in favor of a new project of similar design? If needed and relevant, I can provide more tests that show active interaction with the source website but do not reveal results. I appreciate any suggestions or acknowledgement on how to proceed.

davidjkrause commented 10 months ago

Took a look at your issue. As with most recent issues here, these cases are resolved by my fork at

The only case which fails is the NFL case, and it's because the URL for the 2023 page does not yet have a team list, but you can get a pass by forcing the year to 2022, like

teams = NFLTeams(year=2022)

Output on the slightly modified (adding import unittest and changing NFL year) looks like:

python -v
test_fb_team_goals (__main__.SportsipyTests) ... ok
test_mlb_game_dataframe (__main__.SportsipyTests) ... ok
test_nba_team_names_and_abbreviations (__main__.SportsipyTests) ... ok
test_ncaab_game_dates (__main__.SportsipyTests) ... ok
test_ncaaf_away_interceptions (__main__.SportsipyTests) ... ok
test_nfl_team_information (__main__.SportsipyTests) ... ok
test_nhl_teams_2018 (__main__.SportsipyTests) ... ok

Ran 7 tests in 4.103s


This particular project does not seem maintained right now, but my fork is mostly working at this point, so feel free to use it as an alternative.