rocm-arch / tensorflow-rocm

tensorflow-rocm AUR package
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Invaild option for build_pip_package #62

Open petronny opened 10 months ago

petronny commented 10 months ago

In build(),

    bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package --gpu "${srcdir}"/tmprocm

bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package is pointed to tensorflow/tools/pip_package/

However, --help shows no --gpu option in its usage.

./ [--src srcdir] [--dst dstdir] [options]
./ dstdir [options]

    --src                 prepare sources in srcdir
                              will use temporary dir if not specified

    --dst                 build wheel in dstdir
                              if dstdir is not set do not build, only prepare sources

    --project_name <name> set project name to name
    --cpu                 build tensorflow_cpu
    --gpudirect           build tensorflow_gpudirect
    --rocm                build tensorflow_rocm
    --nightly_flag        build tensorflow nightly

Maybe it should be changed to --gpudirect or --rocm now.

And please also consider setting the srcdir for build_pip_package, or else it will use mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX and break the build when /tmp is not big enough. I guess "${srcdir}"/tmprocm is for dstdir. So the updated command may be like

bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package --src "${srcdir}"/tmprocm-src --dst "${srcdir}"/tmprocm --rocm
petronny commented 10 months ago

And tensorflow-rocm and tensorflow-rocm-opt cannot use the same srcdir. So the other one could be tmpoptrocm-src.

acxz commented 10 months ago

patched with bfe29ff

leaving this patched until we don't see the --gpu option in the [community] package for tensorflow.

acxz commented 4 days ago

Removing the patch label as the upstream PKGBUILD has removed the usage of build_pip_package and uses wheel instead. As such I have reverted the patch. Of course, we will need to add in this patch (at least for building rocm and optrocm in two separate dirs) later on, but I want to sort out the other issues that we encounter in the build first.