rodainahassan / ionic-rating

A simple Ionic 4 stars rating component using Angular, with an easy API and support for all methods of binding (Property and Event Binding, Template Forms and Reactive Forms).
MIT License
19 stars 26 forks source link

Rate change not firing action #9

Closed jrodolforios closed 5 years ago

jrodolforios commented 5 years ago


I'm using ionic rating component but rateChange is not firing de action. Can you help me with?

Saqib92 commented 5 years ago

any update?

Saqib92 commented 5 years ago

Blow code worked for me:

<ion-rating [rate]="ratings" size="small" (rateChange)="youFunctionName(ratings, $event)"></ion-rating>

i noticed readonly attribute causing this. Even if you are using readonly="false" it will not work. remove readonly and it will work.

jrodolforios commented 5 years ago

Yes! Worked for me! Thank you!

Saqib92 commented 5 years ago

Close this issue. Thanks