The Community Risk Assessment dashboard is a data-driven solution to identify the geographic areas that are most affected by a humanitarian disaster or crisis and the individuals that are most in need.
@jannisvisser reporting some feedback I got from CRA users at FDRS
Export (GEOJSON) fails for Malawi at TA-level, but works at district-level.
Risk score of district changes according to which admin level is selected. I suspect that the risk score of district when TAs are selected is the average of the risk scores of all TAs and that does not coincide with the risk score calculated with data at district-level. This creates confusion in users.
The problem here is mainly that there are more indicators for higher admin-levels.. so correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see a simple solution for that problem.. (I believe if you would look at a situation where the set of indicators would not decrease when going one level down, you would not see this issue.)
@jannisvisser reporting some feedback I got from CRA users at FDRS