rodekruis / emergency-response

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[Task] Follow up with Sudan Shelter Cluster identify support needs #100

Open PanisMarijke opened 3 weeks ago

PanisMarijke commented 3 weeks ago

Who is your contact person for this task?

A name of the person this work should be handed over to, can be internal.

Spoke during lunch with XX in Sudan, based in Nairobi. IM Operationally supporting the Sudan Shetler Cluster. There is a clear human resource gap to meet all the IM needs.

User Story

As a [end-user] I want to [action/functionality] So that I [reason/benefit]

### **What needs to be done**
- [ ] Task 1
- [ ] Task 2
### **Acceptance Criteria**
- [ ] Example
- [ ] Tested and reviewed
- [ ] Documented the changes in the approriate location
- [ ] Handed over to requester

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.