rodekruis / emergency-response

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[Task] Preparedness Deployment ToR #90

Open PanisMarijke opened 2 months ago

PanisMarijke commented 2 months ago

Who is your contact person for this task?

Marijke - (

User Story

As a Global Shelter Cluster I want to prepare country clusters for an upcoming disaster that we see at seasonal level So that I anticipate and prepare accordingly to reduce impact of a next event.

### **What needs to be done**
- [ ] Scope activity 
- [ ] Connect Global Surge Team (Paco - Lars) 
- [ ] Involve Jacopo on the ER wider Surge deployment/roster development in relation to the Surge Desk
- [ ] ... TBD
### **Acceptance Criteria**
- [ ] Example
- [ ] Tested and reviewed
- [ ] Documented the changes in the approriate location
- [ ] Handed over to requester

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.