rodekruis / emergency-response

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[Task] Debrief Juan's deployment #96

Open boukepieter opened 2 months ago

boukepieter commented 2 months ago

Who is your contact person for this task?

Esmee van de Ridder

User Story

As a [end-user] I want to [action/functionality] So that I [reason/benefit]

### **What needs to be done**
- [ ] Write input [Bouke]
- [ ] Join meeting [Marijke] 7 mei 10:00 - 10:30

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

boukepieter commented 2 months ago

@PanisMarijke hereby a summary of my collaboration with Juan.

I have been sporadically in contact with Juan. In the beginning (December/January) we have worked together on the 5w sheets. Juan has set up a nice system of linked google sheets for every organisation and province. I advised in the beginning on how it could be set up. Later we have together given a presentation on IM tools for WASH. It was a presentation to a bigger audience where the whole DRRS roster was invited. Recently I have supported him on analysing PDM survey results with a powerbi dashboard. We had contact relatively frequently. Juan could find me easily with requests. It went a bit up and down how often we would meet, sometimes every week for some time and sometimes a month not. In the end he also reached out to get support on an analysis related to the Vei assignment but that did not happen yet because it was still too early. It could be that he will come back with more info later on this request.