rodeofx / OpenWalter

OpenWalter is a suite of USD plugins for Arnold, Houdini, Katana, Maya and USD
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Unable to open scenes with walter nodes using mayapy #11

Open espennordahl opened 5 years ago

espennordahl commented 5 years ago

Whenever I try to open a maya scene that contains a walter node with mayapy, it crashes. This is reproducable by creating a walter node in an empty maya scene, saving, and then from another terminal running mayapy: import pymel.core as pm; pm.openFile(myfile, f=True, prompt=False)

I'll try to work around it using mel, but nothing else in or pipeline is mel, so it's a bit of a pain.

Thanks -Espen

darkvertex commented 5 years ago

Hi! At Rodeo we have scenes opening with mayapy all the time and full of Walter standins all over. There must be something else odd going on if it's crashing for you.

Do you have a traceback you could paste us here so we can see what the crash looks like?

Would also be helpful to know the Maya, Arnold, MtoA and OS versions you're crashing with.


espennordahl commented 5 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me! Sorry for being slow to reply, I'm in the middle of production, so didn't have time to run this again to confirm and get you a log.

It's great to hear that mayapy should be working. It's probably something on our end that's different from yours. I've tried this again, and as far as I can tell it's whenever there's a walter node in the scene at all that it crashes on open. Removing all walter nodes from a scene will cause it to not crash any more, and an empty scene with nothing but a walter node crashes on open.

We're running Maya2018.3, MtoA and Arnold5.1.1.1 on Ubuntu 14.04LTS (I know, I know. We're moving back to CentOS next month)

Here's the traceback:

pm.openFile("/local/tmp/", f=True) [RodeoFX] walterStandin .., built on Sep 25 2018 at 16:27:17 Error in `/sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/python-bin': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00007fec2c3f19a0 Stack trace: gsignal abort /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fece65c22a4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fece65ce56e] operator delete(void) rdoBoostWalter::detail::function::functor_manager<rdoBoostWalter::algorithm::detail::token_finderF<rdoBoostWalter::algorithm::detail::is_any_ofF > >::manage(rdoBoostWalter::detail::function::function_buffer const&, rdoBoostWalter::detail::function::function_buffer&, rdoBoostWalter::detail::function::functor_manager_operation_type) rdoBoostWalter::function2<rdoBoostWalter::iterator_range<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char, std::string> >, gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::string>, gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char, std::string> >::clear() std::vector<std::string, std::allocator >& rdoBoostWalter::algorithm::iter_split<std::vector<std::string, std::allocator >, std::string, rdoBoostWalter::algorithm::detail::token_finderF<rdoBoostWalter::algorithm::detail::is_any_ofF > >(std::vector<std::string, std::allocator >&, std::string&, rdoBoostWalter::algorithm::detail::token_finderF<rdoBoostWalter::algorithm::detail::is_any_ofF >) WalterMaya::ShapeNode::resolvedCacheFileName() const WalterMaya::ShapeNode::setInternalFileName() WalterMaya::ShapeNode::setInternalValueInContext(Autodesk::Maya::OpenMaya20180000::MPlug const&, Autodesk::Maya::OpenMaya20180000::MDataHandle const&, Autodesk::Maya::OpenMaya20180000::MDGContext&) THsurfaceShape::setCachedValue(Tplug const&, TdataHandle const&, TdgContext const&) TdependNode::setPlugValue(Tplug const&, TdataHandle const&, TdgContext const&) TdependNode::processMessage(Tmsg&) TdagObject::processMessage(Tmsg&) TmsgSetPlugValue::send() /sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/../lib/ [0x7fece04fbd1c] TDGcommand::newPlugValue(Tplug const&, Tdata const&, bool) /sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/../lib/ [0x7fecdbda6c1d] /sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/../lib/ [0x7fecdbda930b] /sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/../lib/ [0x7fecdbdab131] TmetaCommand::doCommand(TargList&) /sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/../lib/ [0x7fece342a1b4] /sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/../lib/ [0x7fece3453b01] /sw/maya/maya2018.0.3/usr/autodesk/maya2018/bin/../lib/ [0x7fece3453cc1] SophiaExecutable::evaluate(void) TcommandEngine::executeCommand(SophiaExecutable) TmayaAccessor::execute(char const, int ()(char, int, void), bool, bool) TmayaAsciiAccessor::reader(TsceneFile&) TfileTranslator::read(TsceneFile&) TglobalTranslator::doReadFile(TsceneFile&, bool, bool) TfileUtil::readFile(TsceneFile, bool, bool, bool) TsceneOperator::openFile(TsceneFile, bool, bool) TfileCmd::handleFileOpenFlag(TargDatabase&, TsceneFile) TfileCmd::handleFlags(TargDatabase&, TsceneFile, TnamespaceSwapper, TgraphDiff) TfileCmd::handleFlags(TargDatabase&, Tstring const&) TfileCmd::doCommand(TargList&) TpythonInterpreter::dispatchMayaCommand(TmetaCommand&, _object, _object*) PyEval_EvalFrameEx PyEval_EvalCodeEx

Writing crash report in /usr/tmp/nordahl.20181023.1619.crash