rodionovd / HSCore.framework

HoneySound Core framework
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First try #3

Closed rodionovd closed 9 years ago

rodionovd commented 9 years ago

Hi @iCyberon

I guess I'm ready with the first alpha of HSCore.framework now. Please, checkout the develop branch (I've also added some integration instructions into README).

Things that works:

What doesn't work:

iCyberon commented 9 years ago

Hey @rodionovd

Thanks for updating. I'm going to try it right away.

rodionovd commented 9 years ago

@iCyberon, I've updated the README including the last (and the most important) integration step:

iCyberon commented 9 years ago

@rodionovd Thanks for the heads up.

Just tested HSCore.framework

First thoughts - Everything is working far smoother, still some bumps but way better.

Good Job ;)

rodionovd commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @iCyberon! Yeah, I've tried to speed it up a bit, but some things (e.g. inter-process communication) can't be done instantly :( Anyway, I'l try to improve everything before 1.0 — so looking forward to your requests.