rodionovd / HSCore.framework

HoneySound Core framework
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Safari Support #5

Open rodionovd opened 9 years ago

rodionovd commented 9 years ago

I have to somehow obtain a full list of processes that belong to and make this list available to the API users.

1. Public interface:

@interface HSCVolumeMaster (Safari)

- (void)setSafariVolumeLevel: (CGFloat)level
                  completion: (void(^)(BOOL succeeded))handler;


2. Private:

 * @abstract
 * List of processes that belong to Safari browser workflow;
 * @discuss
 * This list includes: 
 * -- all instances of Web Content related to Safari;
 * -- all Safari plugins;
 * @return
 * An array of NSNumbers wrapping pid_t values;
- (NSArray *)safariRelatedProcesses;
iCyberon commented 9 years ago

To be honest, if you will spend enormous time to support Safari we can delay it

rodionovd commented 9 years ago

@iCyberon nah, Safari/Chrome don't require lots of works, really.