rodjek / librarian-puppet
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puppet_forge 2.2.5 causes failures #342

Open benpriestman opened 7 years ago

benpriestman commented 7 years ago

I appreciate that this is a problem with an upstream gem, not librarian-puppet itself, but logging this as an issue here to help others who hit this.

Version 2.2.5 of puppet_forge, released 26th June 2017, results in https failures when trying to contact the puppet forge with librarian-puppet 2.2.3:

root@localhost im_wcp]# gem list --local puppet_forge

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

puppet_forge (2.2.5)

[root@localhost im_wcp]# LIBRARIAN_PUPPET_TMP=~/.librarian_tmp /usr/local/bin/librarian-puppet install --path=$moduledir --verbose
[Librarian] Ruby Version: 2.0.0
[Librarian] Ruby Platform: x86_64-linux
[Librarian] Rubygems Version:
[Librarian] Librarian Version: 0.6.3
[Librarian] Librarian Adapter: puppet
[Librarian] Librarian Adapter Version: 2.2.3
[Librarian] Project: /vagrant/puppet/dist/im_wcp
[Librarian] Specfile: Puppetfile
[Librarian] Lockfile: Puppetfile.lock
[Librarian] Git: /bin/git
[Librarian] Git Version:
[Librarian] Git Environment Variables:
[Librarian]   (empty)
[Librarian] Install: dependencies resolved
[Librarian] Installing camptocamp-archive/0.8.1 <>
/usr/local/share/gems/gems/puppet_forge-2.2.5/lib/puppet_forge.rb:10:in `host=': undefined method `[]' for #<URI::HTTPS:0x00000001cdd970> (NoMethodError)
carlossg commented 7 years ago

NOTE This project has moved to