Closed llamadog123 closed 5 years ago
puppet-lint version: 2.3.3 ruby version: 2.5.1-p57 platform: x86_64-linux-gnu file path: init.pp file contents:
## Sets the base config for the bugzilla deploy in puppet class bugzilla { include settings include ::wget $basedir = '/usr/share/bugzilla' $altdir = '/usr/local/share/bugzilla' $httpconf = '/etc/httpd/conf.d' $filename = '/usr/share/testopia-2.5-BUGZILLA-4.2.tar.gz' Exec { path => ['/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin'], } yumrepo {'osrepo': baseurl => 'redacted', enabled => 1, gpgcheck => 0, } package {'httpd': ensure => present, } package {'mod_ssl': ensure => present, } package {'mod_perl': ensure => present, } package {'bugzilla': ensure => '4.4.13-3', require => Yumrepo['osrepo'], } wget::fetch { '': destination => '/usr/share/bugzilla', } exec { 'Extract tar': refreshonly => true, command => 'tar --overwrite xf ${filename}', } service {'httpd': ensure => running, enable => true, require => [Package['httpd'], Package['mod_perl']], alias => apache, subscribe => [File['bugzilla-main.conf'], File['bugzilla-ssl.conf'], File['server.crt'], File['server.key'],], } file {'bugzilla-main.conf': ensure => file, path => "${httpconf}/bugzilla-main.conf", owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', content => template('bugzilla/bugzilla-main.conf.erb'), require => [Package['bugzilla'], Package['httpd'],], } file {'bugzilla-ssl.conf': ensure => file, path => "${httpconf}/bugzilla-ssl.conf", owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', content => template('bugzilla/bugzilla-ssl.conf.erb'), require => [Package['bugzilla'], Package['mod_ssl'],], } file {'server.crt': ensure => file, path => "${httpconf}/server.crt", owner => apache, group => apache, mode => '0644', source => 'puppet:///modules/bugzilla/server.crt', require => Package['mod_ssl'], } file {'server.key': ensure => file, path => "${httpconf}/server.key", owner => apache, group => apache, mode => '0600', source => 'puppet:///modules/bugzilla/server.key', require => Package['mod_ssl'], } file {$basedir: ensure => directory, subscribe => [Package['bugzilla'], owner => apache, group => apache, recurse => true, } file {$altdir: ensure => directory, subscribe => [Package['bugzilla'], owner => root, group => apache, recurse => true, } cron {'bugzillastats': ensure => present, command => "cd ${basedir} && ${basedir}/", user => apache, hour => '1', require => Package['bugzilla'], } cron {'bugzillawhine': ensure => present, command => "cd ${basedir} && env LANG=C ${basedir}/", user => apache, minute => '*/15', require => Package['bugzilla'], } exec {'checksetup': command => "${altdir}/", subscribe => [Package['bugzilla'], Package['testopia'], File[''],], timeout => '-1', refreshonly => true, } file {'checksetupanswers': path => "${altdir}/checksetupanswers", owner => root, group => apache, mode => '0600', content => template('bugzilla/checksetupanswers.erb'), notify => Exec['checksetup'], require => Package['bugzilla'], } file {'': path => "${altdir}/", owner => root, group => apache, mode => '0700', content => template('bugzilla/'), #notify => Exec["checksetup"], require => Package['bugzilla'], } }
NoMethodError: undefined method `next_token' for nil:NilClass /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/lexer/token.rb:196:in `find_token_of' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/lexer/token.rb:142:in `next_token_of' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/lexer/token.rb:189:in `find_token_of' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/lexer/token.rb:142:in `next_token_of' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/lexer/token.rb:191:in `find_token_of' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/lexer/token.rb:142:in `next_token_of' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/data.rb:176:in `block in resource_indexes' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/data.rb:171:in `each' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/data.rb:171:in `resource_indexes' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/checkplugin.rb:81:in `resource_indexes' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/plugins/check_whitespace/arrow_alignment.rb:9:in `check' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/checkplugin.rb:21:in `run' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/checks.rb:60:in `block in run' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/checks.rb:57:in `each' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/checks.rb:57:in `run' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint.rb:196:in `run' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/bin.rb:59:in `block in run' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/bin.rb:56:in `each' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet-lint/bin.rb:56:in `run' /usr/bin/puppet-lint:7:in `<main>'
Did I done goof?
I can't seem to run puppet-lint on this one.
Duplicate of #862
Whoops! It looks like puppet-lint has encountered an error that it doesn't know how to handle. Please open an issue at and paste the following output into the issue description.
puppet-lint version: 2.3.3 ruby version: 2.5.1-p57 platform: x86_64-linux-gnu file path: init.pp file contents:
Did I done goof?
I can't seem to run puppet-lint on this one.