rodlie / qtfm

Qt File Manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cut, New Window, Paste ends up copying file instead of moving it #192

Open k9spud opened 8 months ago

k9spud commented 8 months ago

The following sequence should result in moving a file, but instead, it only copies the file:

  1. Open Qtfm and navigate to a folder.
  2. Select a file, right click "Cut"
  3. Select File -> New Window.
  4. In the new window, navigate to some other folder then select Edit -> Paste.

Result: The file "Cut" in step 2 should be moved to the destination folder and no longer exist in the source folder.

However, Qtfm 6.2.1 incorrectly copies the file to the destination folder while leaving the original file in the source folder.

I have looked around in the source code and tried debugging this problem. From what I've learned, when the user selects files to "Cut" in qtfm, the program stores a list of the selected "Cut" files in "/tmp/qtfm.temp" and also puts some mimeData into the clipboard (but this mimeData does not contain "Urls").

A problem occurs when a new qtfm process is started. Right away, the new qtfm process deletes the "/tmp/qtfm.temp" file for no good reason. Without the temp file, when the user tries to paste, Qtfm no longer thinks of it as a Cut and Paste action and instead does a Copy and Paste.

Qtfm deletes the temp file due to the following code from fm/src/mainwindow.cpp:

void MainWindow::clipboardChanged()
    qDebug() << "clipboard changed";
    if (QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()) {
        // if (QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()->hasUrls()) {
            qDebug() << "clipboard has data, enable paste";
        // }
    // clear tmp and disable paste if no mime

Commenting out the if (... hasUrls()) { block (as shown above) seems to fix the problem for me. I do not know if this causes other problems though.

onelittlehope commented 2 months ago

Not relevant to this bug report and am just pointing out that guessable file names under world read/writable directories like /tmp can be a security issue.