[x] "In practice, of course, we will never know the limb darkening coefficients exactly, so we must either model them or marginalize over them (see §5.3). This will dilute our ability to infer surface properties exactly." Planets and occultations would greatly help you constrain limb darkening, might be nice to nod to that here.
[x] "As a rule of thumb, if the amplitude of variability exceeds 10%, we recommend not normalizing the light curve in this way," I think in the normalization problem section you mentioned that 2-4% was the cut off?
[x] "This implies that there is no preferred time (or phase) and that the spatial covariance is the same at all points in time. " + "(i.e. spots to do not preferentially form at the same longitude on the surface)"
[x] At the end you list future work, but don't say you're going to implement the algorithm.......maybe add a bullet point saying you'll apply it to satisfy an observation focused reviewer?
[x] Time evolution stuff -could- be a separate paper
[x] Section 5.4, by using in conjunction with starry, will this greatly improve the constraint on the spot properties, and allow to constrain full map (inc null space)?
Copied from @chedges at https://github.com/rodluger/starry_process/issues/5
, will this greatly improve the constraint on the spot properties, and allow to constrain full map (inc null space)?