rodmen07 / Bluefin

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PA Review: Database Schema #3

Open Shhmabbey opened 1 year ago

Shhmabbey commented 1 year ago

Database Schema

Shhmabbey commented 1 year ago

Hey Rod! Looks good so far. Add bullet point explaining references and make sure all of the column names are snake_cased. See example below.

Shhmabbey commented 1 year ago


column name data type details
id bigint not null, primary key
email string not null
password_digest string not null
session_token bigInt not null, indexed


column name data type details
id bigint not null, primary key
user_id integer not null, foreign key


column name data type details
id bigint not null, primary key
title string not null
description string not null
size string
style string
price decimal not null
stock integer not null
category_id integer foreign key, indexed
rodmen07 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Abbey, I've updated the schema to include the index/reference columns information as well as adjust the column name formats to be snake_cased.