Closed wishbone1138 closed 7 years ago
I got EWBF (ZEC Miner) working last night as well using influxdb but I haven't pushed it yet because it doesn't integrate with the rest of the configuration and I didn't know what "schema" you wanted to go with in the change over to influxdb. It's ridiculously simple though. Here's a preview.
CURLOUT=`curl -s -m 5 "http://$RIG_IP:42000/getstat"`
if [ "$CURLOUT" == "" ]; then
curl -s -i -m 5 -XPOST "http://$INFLUXDB_IP:8086/write?db=rigdata" --data-binary "rig_info,rig_id=$RIGNAME online=0"
curl -s -i -m 5 -XPOST "http://$INFLUXDB_IP:8086/write?db=rigdata" --data-binary "rig_info,rig_id=$RIGNAME online=1"
INFLUXDB_INPUT=`echo $CURLOUT | jq -r '.result | .[] | [.gpuid,.speed_sps,.accepted_shares,.rejected_shares,.temperature,.gpu_power_usage,.gpu_status] | @csv' \
| awk -v RIGNAME="$RIGNAME" -F "," \
'{print "rig_stats,rig_id="RIGNAME",miner=EWBF,gpu_id="$1",coin=ZEC gpu_hashrate="$2",gpu_shares="$3"i,gpu_rej_shares="$4"i,gpu_temp="$5"i,gpu_fan=0i,gpu_power="$6i",gpu_status="$7"i"}'`
curl -s -i -m 5 -XPOST 'http://localhost:8086/write?db=rigdata' --data-binary "$INFLUXDB_INPUT"
I'm pretty happy with my code on this. Seems to be working well. I'll clean it up and add it as a dynamic module to our new setup.
Thanks for the script. Great job.
@wishbone1138 could you check my last commit? I think you have a few typos on the ewbf miner script. Just to make sure
Just a habit I got into with influxdb. I call out the integers. It can be an issue if someone else tries to write to the database and does not specifically call out the "i", but no one else should be writing to that same measurement. I figured it was a space saving feature to not write everything as floats (the default if no i is present). I'm assuming that's what you mean? I think there is at least one typo in there though. I put an "i" next to a variable and not within quotes. I'm totally ok with writing everything as floats if you prefer.
ah ok. Makes sense. I didn't even know that was possible. So that should save some storage space. Just rollback the change.
I think we can close this one, right?
no worries. I think I need to fix one area anyway.
We should consider getting EWBF working. It's only for zcash but does have a nice API that even reports current GPU power draw. I plan on looking into it soon.