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3. Car Hub Object Creation #12

Closed rodriggj closed 2 years ago

rodriggj commented 2 years ago

The project we create will require data. The Data that we would use in a typical application will be constructed using a database and a schema we create. Here in Salesforce this functionality is already available. Here we simply create a Custom Object that will live in the Salesforce Platform and made available for additional consumption using the Lighting Data Service.

rodriggj commented 2 years ago

When you are capturing data and organizing data there are Rules that Software Engineers follow to ensure that creating, editing, reading, updating, and deleting data is efficient from a performance standpoint. The design process while implementing these rules yields a data model that captures data entities, relationships, and identifiers that allow interaction with the data. The product of this design is typically a diagram like shown below.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

rodriggj commented 2 years ago

In our example we need to do the same thing to construct our Car Object. For the sake of simplicity of this demo we will only use one (1) custom Object, but the reality of a production application is there could be several.

Don't let this fall under the banner of "... too technical ... " its not ... we do the exact same thing in a business context with tools like Excel.

And if you had multiple related pieces of information you would create another Tab for each associated "Entity" like this ...

Well that is exactly what we are doing in the Entity Relationship Diagram ...

rodriggj commented 2 years ago
  1. In the Setup service, utilize the Search field to query for Object Manager, and select Object Manager
  2. Click Create / Custom Object
  3. You will be redirected to a New Custom Object screen
  4. In the Label field, supply a name of Car, in the Plural field type Cars.
  5. Under Optional Features select AL the checkboxes.
  6. Under the Search Status select Allow Search checkbox.
  7. Under the Object Creation Options ... select the Launch New Custom Tab Wizard...
  8. Click Save
rodriggj commented 2 years ago
  1. You will be redirected to the New Custom Object Tab
  2. (Optional) You can select the Tab Style. Leave the rest as default. Click Next.
  3. The next screen (Step 2...) will ask if you want to specify profiles upon which this tab is visible. Simply click Next
  4. The next screen (Step 3...) will ask if you want to add the tab to custom apps, just scroll down and ensure that the Car Hub application is listed with a check. Click Save
rodriggj commented 2 years ago

You will be redirected to the newly created Car custom Object. There are no fields associated with this Object yet. But we will add them.