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9. Fetching Cars with Apex #18

Closed rodriggj closed 2 years ago

rodriggj commented 2 years ago

rodriggj commented 2 years ago
  1. Go to View / Command Palette / SFDX: Create Apex Class
  2. Provide the name of the file as CarController, hit Enter
  3. Leave the file location as default and hit Enter
  4. You should see 2 files created under a folder called CarController
    • CarController.cls
    • CarController.cls-meta.xml

CORRECTION: The picture is incorrect with the naming ... it utilizes a carController vs. a CarController naming convention. Please use the CarController style.

rodriggj commented 2 years ago
  1. Open the CarController.cls file and enter the following code. The code is simply implementing a public static method, which means it can be invoked without creating an instance of the CarController class. And what it will do is execute a SOQL query to the Salesforce database to retrieve the specified fields from the Car__c Object.
public with sharing class CarController {
    public static List<Car__c> getCars(){
        return [SELECT Id, Name, MSRP__c, Description__c, Category__c, Picture_URL__c FROM Car__c];
  1. To make this query available to our Aura Component where we will use the filters to modify this SOQL query, we need to annotate the method with the following code:
public with sharing class CarController {
    public static List<Car__c> getCars(){
        return [SELECT Id, Name, MSRP__c, Description__c, Category__c, Picture_URL__c FROM Car__c];
  1. Deploy to your DevOrg by right-clicking on classes directory and selecting SFDX: Deploy Source to Org

rodriggj commented 2 years ago

Now we have to use this getCars() method in our carTileList

  1. Nav to your lwc / carTileList.js file
  2. First, import the getCars() method from the CarController.cls file.
  3. Once you import the getCars method, use the @wire adaptor to call the getCars method. Since you are not passing anything you don't have a second argument to the @wire.
  4. We will create a function, carsHandler() and pass 2 parameters, data & error -- and we will pass these params to console.log() to view what the data returns (which should be our Cars Objects) if not display an error message.
import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import getCars from '@salesforce/apex/CarController.getCars'

export default class CarTileList extends LightningElement {

    carsHandler({data, error}){

  1. Right click on the carTileList folder and deploy the changes to your DevOrg.

rodriggj commented 2 years ago

Final step here is to create 2 properties with our carTileList class

Now we can assign the data response or the error to properties that we can use data binding for and pass to our front-end HTML.


import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc';
import getCars from '@salesforce/apex/CarController.getCars'

export default class CarTileList extends LightningElement {

    carsHandler({data, error}){
   = data
            this.error = error

Deploy changes by right-clicking on parent carTileList directory, and selecting SFDX: Deploy to Source Org