Closed yololo1 closed 4 years ago
how many epochs did you trained?
how many epochs did you trained?
153. I found that,in epoch 57,the map is 0 and the loss is 10.22 in epoch 74 ,the map is 0.2 and the loss is 9.02 finally,in epoch 153 i only get a 0.41 map and the loss is 7.56 I found the new keras-loss is hard to train,is it?
this is my config, i use squeezenet
"model" : {
"backend": "SqueezeNet",
"input_size_w": 224,
"input_size_h": 224,
"gray_mode": false,
"anchors": [5.68744,8.19239, 8.66723,14.83145, 10.63554,11.19373, 13.89734,16.22634, 14.38791,12.74825],
"max_box_per_image": 10,
"labels": ["raccoon"]
"parser_annotation_type": "xml",
"train": {
"train_csv_file": "",
"train_csv_base_path": "",
"train_image_folder": "/Users/keras_yolo2/raccoon_dataset-master/images",
"train_annot_folder": "/Users/keras_yolo2/raccoon_dataset-master/annotations",
"callback": null,
"train_times": 1,
"pretrained_weights": "",
"batch_size": 4,
"learning_rate": 1e-4,
"nb_epochs": 150,
"warmup_epochs": 3,
"workers": 12,
"max_queue_size": 40,
"early_stop": false,
"tensorboard_log_dir": "./logs/1",
"object_scale": 5.0 ,
"no_object_scale": 1.0,
"coord_scale": 1.0,
"class_scale": 1.0,
"saved_weights_name": "./SuperTinyYolo_plateArea32x32.h5",
"debug": false
"valid": {
"iou_threshold": 0.5,
"score_threshold": 0.5,
"valid_csv_file": "",
"valid_csv_base_path": "",
"valid_image_folder": "",
"valid_annot_folder": "",
"valid_times": 1
"create_backup": false,
"redirect_model": false,
"backup_path": "../backup",
"backup_prefix": "Tiny_yolo_VOC"
Thank you,best regards!
Didi you comapred your training with the experiencor repository?
I use the master repo and i find the loss is hardly to reduce and the mAP is always zero I use the raccoon dataset