rodrigoqueiroz / geoscenarioserver

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Fix cutin ego scenario #66

Closed rodrigoqueiroz closed 3 years ago

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

Cut In Scenario is now working (server side)

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

I ported the scenario to (I removed the ego placeholder and ego start. Ego start is in the base scenario file). While the vid=5 drives in GSS and ego drives in WISE sim, ego vid=99 does not show up in GSS.

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

Is it required to have ego_start in the geoscenarioserver part? When it's present, vid=99 shows up in GSS but it does not drive. When it's absent, wid=99 does not show up in GSS dash.

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

I just like to note that in wise-sim-scenarios scenario ring_road_ccw the GSS vehicles are visible in WISE sim; however, ego is not visible in GSS. I wonder why in ring_road_section_cut_in the GSS vehicle does not even show up in WISE Sim?

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

If there is Ego start in the scenario, the Server creates an EV with and expect that a vehicle of same ID in the client will send its pose. We are currently using id 99 for Ego. All EVs show up as green in the dash (if it is not inside the field of view, it still shows up in the table).

A more generic form is to not have Ego Start, create a Vehicle of type EV and give it the same ID Ego has in the client.

If Ego is not moving in any scenario, the updated pose is being lost (could be in the client? does Ego actor have the flags with same ID? Is the client finding the connection on the way back?)

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

@WAEliasmith @rodrigoqueiroz @mchlswyr The shared memory now works properly for vehicles. Specific fixes: - fix pattern matching to get number of pedestrians - catch a potential header parsing exception - reduce the range to prevent out of bounds or getting a pedestrian - catch a potential vehicle state parsing exception - catch a potential pedestrian state parsing exception GSClient.cpp:161 - get all vehicles (was missing the last one previously) GSClient.cpp:220 - process SDV or TV the same way GSClient.cpp:264 - be more specific and process EV only GSClient.cpp:322 - write number of pedestrians into the header


  1. checkout this branch and build & package the dev simulator.
  2. Use scenarios: ring_road_section_cut_in and ring_road_ccw.
  3. Copy scripts wise_sim_switch.bash and gss_switch.bash from anm_unreal_test_suite/scripts to wise-sim-scenarios/scripts. Switch both wise-sim and gss to their dev versions using the scripts

Test 1:

$ slaunch ring_road_ccw -s

Test 2:

$ slaunch ring_road_section_cut_in -s
rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

Not related with this patch, but building the local project is giving this error. E: Failed to fetch . Are we fetching this or is it part of the Unreal cleanup?

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

@rodrigoqueiroz when I click on this link, I can actually download the file. Could have been an intermittent internet problem. Can you download that file manually?

Also, the cmake version on my system is cmake is already the newest version (3.20.0-0kitware1). If you still have 3.19, feel free to remove it and just rerun the road-demo installer or road-demo prepare-target.bash. We have to upgrade cmake on Ubuntu 18.04 because of known bugs with the default cmake version.

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

This is now ready to test again.

Pull your anm_unreal_sim(master) and anm_sim_platform(master) to get the gentle screen session shutdown. It works smoothly. After you press <ctlr>+c wait a bit to see a message

Closing screen sessions. Please wait...
Closed session 'simulator'.
Closed session 'gss'.

that means the TRAP catching the interrupt was entered and proper shutdown is being executed.

You have to source

$ source ~/anm_unreal_sim/submodules/anm_sim_platform/scripts/short_launch.bash

to get that behavior as it is not released yet.

HINT: The system state window is introducing a delay after you press <ctrl>+c. I always close that window manually after I press drive and then the shutdown of the scenario is very quick.

HINT2: execute ipcs to see if the shared memory blocks of size 2048 and semaphore arrays are present, similar to this:

$ ipcs
------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      
0x0001e240 31         ma         666        2048       14                      
0x00051877 32         ma         666        2048       14                      

------ Semaphore Arrays --------
key        semid      owner      perms      nsems     
0x000549c5 0          ma         600        1         
0x000e3e39 1          ma         600        1         

They should not be present after the scenario has properly shut down as the GSS is supposed to remove them in a destructor.

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

I got it working, but still very inconsistent here. Can we add an auto set to drive to the scenario launch? (publish system state = drive to ros). That can speed up the start up and help syncing both vehicles

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

I got it working, but still very inconsistent here.

Really, even with the "closing screen sessions"?

Can we add an auto set to drive to the scenario launch? (publish system state = drive to ros). That can speed up the start up and help syncing both vehicles

Yes, you can run it as a benchmark, that sends autodrive. I pushed a gss benchmark to wise-sim-scenarios PR. You can run it using

$ rosrun anm_sim_platform _name:=gss

Benchmark adds much more consistency to scenario execution. It always waits 10s before hitting Drive. That 10s is necessary for the ROS system to stabilize and get all frequencies correct (also localizer has to initilalize properly, etc).

Can we add the 10s delay somehow to GSS? Or GSS could wait until ego hits drive?

Now, since this is maxing out all cores, I'm not sure how much consistency we can get on these weak machines.

Also, I noticed that while shared memory works well for the first scenario in the benchmark, it does not work anymore for the second scenario. It has to do how the benchmark is terminating the script launch.bash (it's not sending <ctrl>+c, it just kills it and the memory does not get cleaned up).

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

I have a suggestion: when GSS recognizes it's in a co-simulation (vehicle 99 exists), GSS will wait 10s to start all traffic.

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

Really, even with the "closing screen sessions"?

That updates in anm_unreal_sim(master) and anm_sim_platform(master) just need checkout? Do I need run any install script? (other than source and reopen the terminal)

Can we add the 10s delay somehow to GSS? Or GSS could wait until ego hits drive?

Yes. We can make it wait from the behavior tree. However, the scenario was first designed for them to start in parallel. For the vehicle to start before Ego and catch up it needs to be different. I will make the change.

Now, since this is maxing out all cores, I'm not sure how much consistency we can get on these weak machines.

Consistency with the shared memory. Just with the cut-in scenario and 2 vehicles. After working, it always fails in the next attempt. The Ego position will be different (apparently reading some garbage) and not updating.

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

Regarding the delay. When I was running the experiments for the paper, I had a ROS node monitoring the SystemState Drive, and just then launching the GSServer with Popen

# Launch the gss when the drive command has been received
if system_state_msg.state == SystemState.ST_DRIVE:
    rospy.loginfo("Starting GS Server")

    gs_command = GSS_COMMAND_FORMAT.format(rospy.get_param('~scenario'))
    self.gs_process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(gs_command), stdout=self.gss_log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
mchlswyr commented 3 years ago

That updates in anm_unreal_sim(master) and anm_sim_platform(master) just need checkout? Do I need run any install script? (other than source and reopen the terminal)

You will just have to pull the latest master. The updates were only in the launch script.

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

You will just have to pull the latest master. The updates were only in the launch script.

But you have to source the short_launch.bash from submodules/anm_sim_platform/scripts not from /opt.

After you press <ctrl>+c, you should see

Closing screen sessions. Please wait...
Closed session 'simulator'.
Closed session 'gss'.

That indicates that you are using the correct launch.bash from source.

mantkiew commented 3 years ago

See testing in to properly test this PR using a benchmark.

Now, we have to add the 10s delay when in co-simulation.

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

Getting many of these errors: Client state error: No. client vehicles (0) not the same as server vehicles (2). W0401 11:49:18.843827 10031] 40 0.0247685 0 0 the prints empty bytes

The garbage is still there.

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago

I added a condition to hold start of planners if the shared memory is active and there is at least one External Vehicle until a valid state is read (meaning Client is connected and has valid states). That doesn't solve the problem with Ego taking too long to start. We need a clear signal from the client for when to start. The GeoScenarioServer must be tool and subject system independent, so adding 10 seconds complicates things for other uses.

rodrigoqueiroz commented 3 years ago
condition c_time(sim_time(tmin=0))