Open Ahmed-hussien90 opened 1 year ago
Can you make a simple example?
flutter_pptx or dart_pptx?
is there any update on how to solve this issue?
Working on a bug on android and windows that might be related to this.
Sometimes the paths are not behaving correctly
got error when save pptx says -> Error while trying to load an asset: Failed to load asset at "assets/data%253Aimage/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAB4AAAAQ4CAYAAADo08FDAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARzQklUCAgICHwIZIgAACAASURBVHic7NxPiJR1GMDxZ3TYdpAFyYMyKS57iD1KdLFLBQWJh/SgotgfPHSoc38unjp1z1sQ2KkOSwTB5tC2wrLr7B8RXDxEyrpsqCs5UjIGKnVoGRSacnZG39mHzwfm8L7zvr/fM8fhy... and file not opened