rodydavis / signals.dart

Reactive programming made simple for Dart and Flutter
Apache License 2.0
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version 5.0.0 #230

Closed thumbert closed 2 months ago

thumbert commented 2 months ago

Prints a bunch of info in the Debug Console window. Lines like this:

computed created: [2|null]
signals created: [3|null] => ... 
ONE, ...

Probably not what you intended.

Thanks, T

rodydavis commented 2 months ago

Only in debug mode, comes from the logging signals observer afiche you can override or remove

snakeshift commented 2 months ago

I want to remove this behavior in debug mode if this is intended, otherwise I'll ignore until next version. (because my timer signal is so

rodydavis commented 2 months ago

No problem!

In your main() function, add the following:

void main() {
   SignalsObserver.instance = null;
snakeshift commented 2 months ago

Solved! Thank you (`・ω・´)b

snakeshift commented 3 weeks ago

At first I thought it was a distraction,but it turned out to be very useful during the performance tuning phase. It was good to realize that a large amount of useless computed was being generated.