rodydavis / signals.dart

Reactive programming made simple for Dart and Flutter
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signals_lint cannot be installed alongside riverpod_lint #275

Closed FlatMapIO closed 4 days ago

FlatMapIO commented 4 days ago

Because riverpod_lint >=2.3.9 <3.0.0-dev.0 depends on custom_lint_builder ^0.6.0 and every version of signals_lint depends on custom_lint_builder ^0.5.5, riverpod_lint >=2.3.9 <3.0.0-dev.0 is incompatible with signals_lint. So, because flutter_kawaii_chat depends on both riverpod_lint ^2.3.10 and signals_lint any, version solving failed.

rodydavis commented 4 days ago

This is not a signals issue, it's a dependency issue in the project