roeap / object-store-python

Python bindings and arrow integration for the rust object_store crate.
Apache License 2.0
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Expose Python interface for other Rust applications? #3

Closed kylebarron closed 4 months ago

kylebarron commented 4 months ago

👋 I'm building a Rust-Python library that depends on object-store. It would be nice to reuse existing Python APIs that are built on object-store, i.e. your crate. From this comment and this comment, I think the primary way to enable this is to split into two crates: an rlib crate that contains everything but the actual #[pymodule] definition and a cdylib crate that is the actual Python module. The former would be able to be depended on by multiple pyo3 libraries, while the latter would be your existing Python package.

I know this is an increase in complexity, but are you interested in a PR for this?

roeap commented 4 months ago

Hey @kylebarron - I have been meaning to put some more TLC in this library, as there have been a bunch of updates since last release.

Since the API surface is fairly narrow, I think we can live with a bit more complexity, so yes, quite interested if it makes it more useful :).