After travelling, I was thinking that the following feature, which is also present in Google Calendar, could be useful for Research Seminars.
If the user is logged in, and the time zone in the account does not match the current time zone on the computer/browser, then the website could prompt the user, asking if the time zone in the account should be updated. Answer options could be something like: 'yes', 'no', and 'no, never ask me again'.
After travelling, I was thinking that the following feature, which is also present in Google Calendar, could be useful for Research Seminars.
If the user is logged in, and the time zone in the account does not match the current time zone on the computer/browser, then the website could prompt the user, asking if the time zone in the account should be updated. Answer options could be something like: 'yes', 'no', and 'no, never ask me again'.