Open shaxo opened 8 years ago
can you add some debug code to pc_getnameinfo to see which branches are taken etc ?
Here are my debug comments: here is the output i got in gdb:
Starting program: /usr/bin/ssh root@ DEBUG:init_lib_wrapper called from gcc_init DEBUG:pid[24931]:at_init [proxychains] DLL init: proxychains-ng 4.10 DEBUG:loaded symbol 'connect' real addr 0x1d524ae04060 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb62f2a DEBUG:loaded symbol 'sendto' real addr 0x1d524ae034e0 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb63965 DEBUG:loaded symbol 'gethostbyname' real addr 0x1d52cb71a4e0 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb6356e DEBUG:loaded symbol 'getaddrinfo' real addr 0x1d52cb716260 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb635dd DEBUG:loaded symbol 'freeaddrinfo' real addr 0x1d52cb741480 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb636a2 DEBUG:loaded symbol 'gethostbyaddr' real addr 0x1d52cb71a2b0 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb63841 DEBUG:loaded symbol 'getnameinfo' real addr 0x1d52cb717dc0 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb5f344 DEBUG:loaded symbol 'close' real addr 0x1d524ae04120 wrapped addr 0x1d531fb62e61 DEBUG:[play] socks5 DEBUG:getaddrinfo: 22 DEBUG:pid[24931]:proxy_getaddrinfo DEBUG:pid[24931]:mygetservbyname_r DEBUG:pid[24931]:pc_getnameinfo DEBUG:BRANCH 2 DEBUG:salen=16, sizeof=16 ssh_connect_direct: getnameinfo failed ssh: connect to host port : No such file or directory Program exited with code 0377.
if(!proxychains_resolver) {
return true_getnameinfo(sa, salen, host, hostlen, serv, servlen, flags);
} else {
if(salen < sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) || SOCKFAMILY(*sa) != AF_INET)
return EAI_FAMILY;
if(hostlen) {
pc_stringfromipv4((unsigned char*) &(SOCKADDR_2(*sa)), ip_buf);
if(snprintf(host, hostlen, "%s", ip_buf) >= hostlen)
if(servlen) {
if(snprintf(serv, servlen, "%d", ntohs(SOCKPORT(*sa))) >= servlen)
which branch does it take ? the if(hostlen) one ? if so we'd need to know the value of hostlen
also check if SOCKFAMILY(*sa) == AF_INET or AF_INET6
would be helpful if openssh's ssh_connect_direct() would print gai_strerror(ret)
rather than just reporting unspecified failure.
Sorry for my previous post. The branch if(hostlen) is taken. hostlen is 256, servlen changes (32 and zero). In gbd:
Breakpoint 1, pc_getnameinfo (sa=0x3e541e64030, salen=16, host=0x7f7ffffe7cb0 "", hostlen=256, serv=0x7f7ffffe7db0 "22", servlen=32, flags=3) at src/libproxychains.c:484
Breakpoint 1, pc_getnameinfo (sa=0x7f7ffffe7850, salen=16, host=0x7f7ffffe7950 "", hostlen=256, serv=0x0, servlen=0, flags=1) at src/libproxychains.c:484
Breakpoint 1, pc_getnameinfo (sa=0x3e2eb6acee0, salen=0, host=0x7f7ffffe6760 " l\177\177", hostlen=256, serv=0x0, servlen=0, flags=1) at src/libproxychains.c:484
get_hostfile_hostname_ipaddr: getnameinfo failed
Here is the output:
DEBUG:pid[12385]:pc_getnameinfo DEBUG:SOCKFAMILY(_sa) == AF_INET: 1 DEBUG:SOCKFAMILY(_sa) == AF_INET6: 0 DEBUG:hostlen=256 DEBUG:servlen=32 DEBUG:BRANCH 2 DEBUG:salen=16, sizeof=16 DEBUG:BRANCH 3 DEBUG:BRANCH 4 DEBUG:OUT... DEBUG:RETURN 0! DEBUG:pid[12385]:connect DEBUG:target: DEBUG:port: 22 DEBUG:pid[12385]:connect_proxy_chain DEBUG:[play] socks5
DEBUG: connect ret=0 DEBUG:pid[12385]:chain_step ... DEBUG:pid[12385]:tunnel_to DEBUG:host dns
... OK DEBUG:pid[12385]:pc_getnameinfo DEBUG:SOCKFAMILY(_sa) == AF_INET: 1 DEBUG:SOCKFAMILY(_sa) == AF_INET6: 0 DEBUG:hostlen=256 DEBUG:servlen=0 DEBUG:BRANCH 2 DEBUG:salen=16, sizeof=16 DEBUG:BRANCH 3 DEBUG:BRANCH 4 DEBUG:OUT... DEBUG:RETURN 0! DEBUG:freeaddrinfo 0xce46ba17000 DEBUG:pid[12385]:proxy_freeaddrinfo DEBUG:pid[12385]:pc_getnameinfo DEBUG:SOCKFAMILY(_sa) == AF_INET: 1 DEBUG:SOCKFAMILY(_sa) == AF_INET6: 0 DEBUG:hostlen=256 DEBUG:servlen=0 DEBUG:BRANCH 2 DEBUG:salen=0, sizeof=16 DEBUG:RETURN EAI_FAMILY get_hostfile_hostname_ipaddr: getnameinfo failed
i've pushed new getnameinfo code, maybe it fixes the issue; although it looks very weird that salen is 0, possibly there's some memory corruption going on. also note that this time the function get_hostfile_hostname_ipaddr fails, while earlier it was ssh_connect_direct
from sshconnect.c:
switch (hostaddr == NULL ? -1 : hostaddr->sa_family) {
case -1:
addrlen = 0;
something called get_hostfile_hostname_ipaddr with hostaddr == NULL, likely the code that checks if the ssh key is in known_hosts (check_host_key())
No change apparently with the updated pc_getnameinfo. I'll try to have a closer look the coming week.
any update on this issue?
@shaxo Issue is old and parts are more than likely not relevant anymore, needs to be closed out.
i don't think this should be closed until the issue is researched more thoroughly by a skilled openbsd user.
Hi, I don't know if it is an OpenBSD specific issue. I got a segfault in proxychains-ng when using a socks5 proxy to tunnel a ssh connection. SSH print "get_hostfile_hostname_ipaddr: getnameinfo failed" which causes the segfault.
tail -n 1 /tmp/px.conf
socks5 8888
./proxychains4 -f /tmp/px.conf ssh -vvvvvv root@
Below is the gdb output with DEBUG activated. A more verbose output with SSH debug activated on