rogaha / docker-desktop

Docker Desktop enables you to create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely. It comes with Firefox and Libreoffice already installed!
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Internationalization and localization support ( keyboard, time-zone ) #3

Closed ImreSamu closed 10 years ago

ImreSamu commented 10 years ago

The default keyboard and time-zone is not perfect for everybody. For me - I need to change keyboard to hungarian layout [ "setxkbmap hu" ] and time-zone to "Europe/Budapest"

Maybe I have to change Dockerfile - to hungarian localdef settings: "RUN localedef -v -c -i hu_HU -f UTF-8 hu_HU.UTF-8 || :"

it is not critical - but I think it is a useful enhancement for me. ( and others ..)

I dont' know what is the best solution

thanks in advance, Imre

rogaha commented 10 years ago

Hi @ImreSamu,

I think the easiest way to fix it is by adding the localization parameter! I will add it this weekend!

I really appreciate your feedback!

Thanks, Roberto

ImreSamu commented 10 years ago

Thank you!

rogaha commented 10 years ago

Hi @ImreSamu,

I have added a file called fixlocale!