rogaha / docker-desktop

Docker Desktop enables you to create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely. It comes with Firefox and Libreoffice already installed!
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Can't start the xpra display #41

Open Tom-Ren opened 6 years ago

Tom-Ren commented 6 years ago

Dear all: I have meet this problem, every thing is ok follow the "readme", but I can't start a graph interface, could you please give me some advice? Best regard

==============These are the screen log, but there is no graphic=======<<<< $ xpra --ssh="ssh -p 36665" attach ssh:docker@ 2017-08-05 11:26:30,316 cannot use pycups for printing: No module named cups 2017-08-05 11:26:30,371 xpra gtk2 client version 0.15.8 (r11211) 2017-08-05 11:26:30,528 PyOpenGL warning: missing accelerate module 2017-08-05 11:26:30,528 PyOpenGL warning: missing array format handlers: numeric, vbo, vbooffset 2017-08-05 11:26:30,528 OpenGL Version: 3.0 Mesa 17.0.7 2017-08-05 11:26:30,529 OpenGL support could not be enabled: 2017-08-05 11:26:30,529 vendor 'nouveau' is blacklisted! The authenticity of host '[]:36665 ([]:36665)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:23U5ssLRwESQva1fTh4Jc55129hRgn0l+QEs7M8bvoo. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 2017-08-05 11:26:30,605 detected keyboard: rules=evdev, model=pc105, layout=us 2017-08-05 11:26:30,606 desktop size is 1920x1080 with 1 screen(s): 2017-08-05 11:26:30,606 ':0.0' (508x285 mm - DPI: 96x96) workarea: 1855x1056 at 65x24 2017-08-05 11:26:30,606 monitor 1 (509x286 mm - DPI: 95x95)