rogeraabbccdd / Linebot-Deals

A line bot to get deals information of steam app.
10 stars 2 forks source link

幫你補一下搜尋功能 #1

Closed r3850355 closed 5 years ago

r3850355 commented 5 years ago

讓你可以拉出圖片組進flex message裡面

要我幫你組好flex message也是可以 XD


const search = require('./search')

search('half').then(res => {


const request = require('request')
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
const _ = require('lodash')

const url = ''

module.exports = function search (text) { 
  return new Promise ((reslove, reject) => {
    let searchList = []
    request(`${url}/?q=${text}`, (err, res, body) => {
      const $ = cheerio.load(body)
      let gameName = []
      let gameImage = []

      // search for name
      $('a.card__title').each( function (idx, el) {

      // search for image
      $('.card__img div').each( function (idx, el) {

      // make new array
      _.each(gameName, (el, idx) => {
          name: el,
          image: gameImage[idx]

r3850355 commented 5 years ago

忘了補輸出 有的他本來就沒圖片

// 輸入 half
  { name: 'Half - Horrorgame', image: undefined },
    name: 'Half dead',
    image: ''
    name: 'The Other Half',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life',
    image: ''
  { name: 'HALF DEAD COMPLETE BUNDLE', image: undefined },
    name: 'Half-Life: Source',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life 1: Source',
    image: ''
    name: 'HALF DEAD 2',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half Past Disaster Soundtrack',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life Soundtrack',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life 2: Update',
    image: ''
    name: 'Mad Men: The Better Half',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half Past Impossible',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life: Opposing Force',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half Past Disaster',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life 2: Deathmatch',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life Deathmatch: Source',
    image: ''
    name: 'Crossout - Third Half Pack',
    image: ''
  { name: 'Half-Life 1 Anthology', image: undefined },
  { name: 'Half Life Complete', image: undefined },
    name: 'Half-Rats: Parasomnia',
    image: ''
    name: 'Half-Life 2: DownFall',
    image: ''
    name: 'Fear Half Factor',
    image: ''
  { name: 'Half-Face Games Bundle', image: undefined },
    name: 'Half-Rats: Parasomnia - OST',
    image: ''
rogeraabbccdd commented 5 years ago

我觀察過好像只有上 steam 的有圖片,應該不需要用爬蟲,抓 API 裡的 steam ID 就行了

r3850355 commented 5 years ago

主要是怕有人遊戲名稱空格不正確 或是不知道全名可以打一半用查的 XD

rogeraabbccdd commented 5 years ago

搜尋功能的話 itad 的 API 也有,所以如果打出錯誤的遊戲時機器人會找第一筆問 LINE_tQBfISECCp

rogeraabbccdd commented 5 years ago


r3850355 commented 5 years ago

讚讚 像我就是遊戲記不起來全名的

rogeraabbccdd commented 5 years ago

已調整搜尋建議為 5 筆,