rogerbinns / apsw

Another Python SQLite wrapper
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Remove include of <alloca.h> #490

Closed abs0 closed 9 months ago

abs0 commented 9 months ago

alloca.h has been deprecated for a long time, and no modern system should need it (and some do not even have it). While there are some references to alloca() in the source, none are in src/apsw.c

Fixes build on at least NetBSD

rogerbinns commented 9 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. alloca is only used because Microsoft compilers don't support VLAs. Linux does document although as you state it probably isn't necessary.

This is being addressed via

rogerbinns commented 9 months ago

I've just released APSW which fixes this - alloca only used with msvc. You shouldn't need your patch any more.