rogerbinns / apsw

Another Python SQLite wrapper
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connection.set_row_trace - excepts; Connection.setrowtrace works #515

Closed mohmad-null closed 1 month ago

mohmad-null commented 1 month ago

connection.set_row_trace raises AttributeError: 'apsw.Connection' object has no attribute 'set_row_trace' despite using 3.43.0.

Connection.setrowtrace works fine but doesn't seem to be documented (I'm assuming as it's deprecated in the connection API -

rogerbinns commented 1 month ago

The name changing happened in version - currently in the changelog at this position

mohmad-null commented 1 month ago

Oh, because in the logs (above link) it's under 3.0.8-r1 and the text implies they're available from that version with "The old names are still available maintaining". But yes, I see it's also under 3.43.2.

rogerbinns commented 1 month ago

3.0.8 came out 20 years ago! The changed names section is appended to the the changes page since that seemed the most logical place, and my hope was that virtually no one would ever need to see it because all the doc covers the pep 8 compliant names.

You unfortunately got caught out by using an old version of apsw with the newest version of the docs :-) Is there as reason you aren't using an up to date version of apsw?

mohmad-null commented 1 month ago

20 years ago? You've been working on this almost as long as Dr H has! Yes, I can see the mismatch in docs/versions being a problem; I've had it occur before.

Is there as reason you aren't using an up to date version of apsw?

I believe that's the version that pip install apsw / my IDE gave me a couple days ago. It's giving me 3.45.3 now. Thanks!