Currently you have to do shenanigans via the shell to get dumps. Add a module that lets you configure what you want in the dump, acting as a generator. Have some presets for eg full fidelity dump, mysql/postgres etc compatible, just the data etc
[ ] Header fields like page_size, encoding, auto vacuum
[ ] application id / user_version
[ ] drop table if already exists
[ ] A schema so it can be run against attached database
[ ] include/exclude virtual tables and their backing data tables
[ ] comments at the top or not
[ ] multiple values clauses
[ ] include/omit views and indexes
[ ] rename indexes?
[ ] include/exclude sqlite_stat and similar tables
[ ] run analyze at the end
[ ] Include rowid in insert
[ ] insert or replace so it can run against existing table to merge into it
Currently you have to do shenanigans via the shell to get dumps. Add a module that lets you configure what you want in the dump, acting as a generator. Have some presets for eg full fidelity dump, mysql/postgres etc compatible, just the data etc
insert or replace
so it can run against existing table to merge into it