rogerclarkmelbourne / Arduino_STM32

Arduino STM32. Hardware files to support STM32 boards, on Arduino IDE 1.8.x including LeafLabs Maple and other generic STM32F103 boards
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USBSerial does not start #881

Closed ZavenArra closed 2 years ago

ZavenArra commented 2 years ago

I am attempting to use the USBSerial object provided in the USBComposite library. However, USBSerial never starts. I have ground, D+ and D- (PA12 and PA11 on the F103RB Nucleo) from the STM32F103RB pinout connected to a USB cable that is plugged into my computer. The gist below shows how I am using the code, which I believe is correct - I tried both ways recommended in the README. I also verified that USBCLK is running at 48MHz. The code simply sits in the while loop. I also dug into the library at little bit, and I can see that the USB_CONNECTED and USB_CONFIGURED booleans never change. What is missing here? Is this a problem with my code, or an issue with the library support?

  USBComposite.clear(); // clear any plugins previously registered



JiriBilek commented 2 years ago

In all schematics around F103 there is a resistor from D+ to +5V. Do you have it there? I guess it is needed for USB Enumeration process.

ZavenArra commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that was it!

ZavenArra commented 2 years ago

@JiriBilek Where did you review schematics to come to this conclusion?

JiriBilek commented 2 years ago

You can find it easily, just google "bluepill schematics". One for all:

Edit: I misunderstood your question. The schematics for Nucleo-F103RB is downloadable from STM's website: As you can see there is no resistor on PA12 and PA11.

ZavenArra commented 2 years ago

Oh I have the nucleo schematics, I meant how you knew to add the resistor. The blue pill schematic is actually what I did want, didn't think of that. Good reference for building a system off F103. Thanks!

JiriBilek commented 2 years ago

I checked the pullup resistor value - it should be 1k5 according to e.g. I have several boards with 10k resistors and they generally work but sometimes, the enumeration fails. So please use 1k5.

JiriBilek commented 2 years ago

One more follow-up: the resistor should be to 3.3V - see But for me 5V was always fine.