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Adding Paul's home brew #21

Open joeklein9 opened 8 months ago

joeklein9 commented 8 months ago

If at all possible, would be wonderful to have the option to choose a different deck at set up that includes the cards listed in Paul's home brew here:

I think it would just involve adding the new cards and new intrigues. No need to mess with leader selection.

Thank you!

rogeriocamorim commented 8 months ago

Just to let some msg here that this may be done in the future. But there are no plans for now.

scmccarthy commented 6 months ago

Ability to select from custom decks would be huge for long-term enjoyment. Even better than flat-out adding support for the expansions.

scmccarthy commented 6 months ago

Just wanted to mention explicitly that another part of this is allowing players to use leaders from Base/Ix without adding all (or even any) of the other components from Base/Ix.

J00lsy commented 6 months ago

I’d like to second Joe's request. It would be absolutely awesome to play the designer's custom set which he considers the best way to play.

supertopi commented 6 months ago

👍 this would be an awesome addition to the mod

rogeriocamorim commented 6 months ago

If you really wanna test that there is a way. Just a comment that any problem/bug do not report here since that is not a optinonal.

1- Open the mod. 2- Click on Modding -> Scripting. It will take a time to load a window image

Press CTRL + A to select all ( it will not show that is selected but it is) and press CTRL + c to copy.

Open a notepad / Notepad++ etc... and past the code.

You can look for those.. image

Those are the list of cards in game and their max quantity.

Set as you like. Copy the hole code and past on the TTS Script screen. Press Save & Play it will reload the mod with your cards changes.

PS.: Do not add more cards of certain type. It can cause the mod the bug.