rogeriopvl / downstagram

Command line tool to download and backup all your Instagram photos
MIT License
32 stars 7 forks source link

Download specific amount of pictures rather than a full copy/sync of instagram account #7

Open rodd1981 opened 8 years ago

rodd1981 commented 8 years ago

Hi Rogerio,

First of all, congratulations (your application is really awesome - the best one around indeed).

This is not really a issue request but just a improvement/enhancement suggestion (I'm posting this here since I couldn't find no other section on GitHub to post improvements).

I'm working on a WhatsApp bot code (using Chat-API - it will be released soon on GitHub) and my friends suggested me to add a command "!instagram " which will make the bot fetch images/videos from the specified instagram ID and send them over to the Whatsapp group.

Right now the Chat-API command code is working perfectly, the only issue is that sometimes it takes a considerable amount of time to sync "BIG" instagram accounts (usually celebrities accounts with more than 2000 posts), thus resulting in delays sending the images.

My intention is to send 5-10 pics max when the command is sent (but I couldn't find any way to specify that amount using your application).

Is there a way for you to add a parameter like --max 10 (to force the application to download the latest 10 pictures and/or videos?). Or a way to make this hack manually?

That hack/parameter will be enough to make the "!instagram" command work as expected on my Whatsapp bot.

Thanks in advance!

rogeriopvl commented 8 years ago

Hey @rodd1981

Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)

That feature makes sense, so I'll be adding it as soon as possible :)