rogerlew / wepppy

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HEC-RAS WEPP Integration #284

Open rogerlew opened 2 months ago

rogerlew commented 2 months ago

Parameters provided by WEPP

Runoff depth, Runoff volume, Runoff peak


Use case

Test Location

Colorado - Cameron Peak




Desire for LiDAR for cross-section channel estimates

Identify inputs for HEC-RAS and outputs from WEPP

For first iteration focus on Event data, not subsurface

rogerlew commented 2 months ago

rogerlew commented 2 months ago


rogerlew commented 2 months ago


Cameron Peak


rogerlew commented 2 months ago


![Uploading image.png…]()

rogerlew commented 2 months ago


rogerlew commented 2 months ago


rogerlew commented 2 months ago
rogerlew commented 2 months ago

-1 image -2 image -3 image -4 image

rogerlew commented 2 months ago

rogerlew commented 2 months ago



rogerlew commented 2 months ago

Hi everyone, We had a smaller group meeting today and we agreed the Cameron Peak Fire would be a great case study watershed to start developing a coordinated approach to link WEPPcloud to HEC-RAS/ADH stream transport models. Specifically I believe Anurag suggested to start on the Blackwood subcatchment. We agreed that we would start using the same 1 m DEM for both models to ensure the elevations are consistent. Georgiana is downloading these data, potentially applying some smoothing filter and passing this map along to the WEPPcloud team. The WEPPcloud team will delineate the stream network and the extract 3rd order and greater stream network which will identify where HEC-RAS/ADH will be applied.

We agreed that we should make approach Chuck Rhoades group with a list on data that would be useful in setting up and assessing the accuracy of the linked models. We agreed for now that it is best to just work on passing output data from WEPPcloud to the hydrodynamic stream transport models rather than trying for some full integration of the models.

I'm started generating a list of information that would could pass on the Chuck Rhoades group. Feel free to add to this list.

High frequency streamflow data including both water depth and discharge (as high of a temporal resolution as available, 15 minute?). It would be great if there were multiple locations in the same watershed with these data or similar. Even peak flow stream crest gauge information would be great. Or even observed high water marks that might have been manual recorded or observed after a major storm event. Pebble count data or other stream bed/bank substrate. Depth to an impermeable rock layer. Stream cross-sectional/bathemetry data. This could be stream widths, depths, bank flow characteristics, flood plain terrace. Typical bank slopes. Any changes in stream cross section or stream morphology after the fire that were observed. Some specific or qualitative observation of the extent to which woody debris (trees/stumps/rocks) may have impacted the stream cross-section particularly near bridges/culverts and other constrictions in the stream network. Any information of other groups that may have modelled these watersheds and may have some of these data that we could reach out to.
Any local bridge/culvert dimensions if they exist. (not a major priority but it would be good to have if available). Local weather data particularly rainfall intensity/depth, temperature, and other meteorologic data. The more local the points the better but even a somewhat distant sight would potentially help bias correcting gridded/nex-rad data. Culvert locations and characteristics, particularly if they are on 3rd order stream network. Local soils data in addition to what we can see from the SSURGO/STATSGO soil survey particularly around the stream network to help understand bank erodibility. Any information on geology or groundwater aquifers in the watershed. In particular an assessment of the geology where the stream gauge is located. Is there hyperrehic flow below the stream gauge or is key located in a very water tight location (e.g. keyed into bedrock). Is the watershed 'water tight' or does the percolated water feed a more regional aquifer system. Ash characteristics (particle density, size distribution, observations on depth/distribution not only in the uplands but any observations of deposition in the flood plain after a major flood event).
Water Quality data, event-based water quality data both before the fire and up to the most recent sampling date. This will give us a good assessment of the temporal impact and recovery of water chemistry in the stream systems. In the previous project we received some manual sampling data but not the event based auto-sampling data.

Other ideas/suggestions?


rogerlew commented 2 weeks ago

NASA ASH Project meeting notes 11 Jul 2024

Attendees: Pete Robichaud, Sarah Lewis, Mariana Dobre, Mary Ellen Miller, Georgiana Esquivias, Guy Schumann, Anurag Srivastava, Scott Shepard

Not attending: Roger Lew, Erin Brooks, Ian Floyd

Pete: Computer Support in progress with U of Idaho.

Jay Pak (Corp of Engineers) wants to meet to discuss HMS and WEPP and ash transport.

Pete/Guy/Anu discussed: WEPP for 3rd order channels and smaller then goes to HEC HMS or HEC RAS. Anu will ask Roger to get WEPP output file for HEC team. Then we will meet with Jay and his team.

Anu: Fish Creek water quality data is better understood, still need discharge data and time stamp from Tim (Chuck Rhoades).

Mary Ellen/Sarah: Harmonized ash load (HLS) maps have been created for 13 fires with time steps (5-8 days) since the fire. Adding soils layers now.

Georgiana: Need contact info from CSU folks to get more info on channels etc for Cameron Peak Fire area. Pete will start email chain.


For Ian: Do you want to be involved with discussion with Jay Pak? What is the status of your Post-doc Position for this project?

For Roger/Anu: Can you get WEPP output file for Fish Creek that we share with HEC-HMS team.

Next meeting during the first week of September, earlier if needed.

rogerlew commented 2 weeks ago

for each channels of 3rd order greater streams

generate totalwatsed for each based on identified upstream channels

provide channels as geojson

add ash to totalwatsed

generate for particular channel

rogerlew commented 1 week ago

pip3 install pydsstools
rogerlew commented 5 days ago