rogerlew / wepppy

10 stars 7 forks source link

server 22.04 dev #296

Open rogerlew opened 1 month ago

rogerlew commented 1 month ago
sudo -H install pip install jsonpickle
sudo apt install gdal-bin python3-gdal
sudo apt install libgdal-dev
sudo -H pip install numpy==1.24
sudo -H pip install awesome_codename
sudo -H pip install deprecated
sudo -H pip install utm
sudo -H pip install rasterio
sudo -H pip install pyarrow
sudo -H pip install oyaml
sudo -H pip install shapely
sudo -H pip install what3words
sudo -H pip install imageio
sudo -H pip install redis
sudo -H pip install metpy
sudo -H pip install metpy
sudo -H pip install scipy --upgrade
sudo -H pip install numexpr --upgrade
sudo -H pip install bottleneck --upgrade
sudo -H pip install numba--upgrade
sudo -H pip install typing_extensions --upgrade
cd /workdir/wepppyo3
git pull
sudo rsync -av --progress /workdir/wepppyo3/release/linux/py310/wepppyo3/  /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/wepppyo3/
sudo -H pip install dask --upgrade
sudo -H pip install dask[dataframe] --upgrade
sudo -H pip install geopandas --upgrade
sudo rm /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/blinker-1.4.egg-info
sudo rm -R /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/blinker
sudo -H pip install werkzeug 
sudo -H pip install flask 
sudo -H pip install flask_sqlalchemy
sudo -H pip install flask-security-too[fsqla,common]
sudo -H pip install psycopg2

remove php7.4 from apache mods

pull wepppy

migrate flask database

rebuild and enable weppcloud2/microservices



rebuild topaz

pull rosetta

rogerlew commented 1 month ago

patch for jsonpickle


469     def _restore_reduce(self, obj):
470         """
471         Supports restoring with all elements of __reduce__ as per pep 307.
472         Assumes that iterator items (the last two) are represented as lists
473         as per pickler implementation.
474         """
475         proxy = _Proxy()
476         self._mkref(proxy)
477         reduce_val = list(map(self._restore, obj[tags.REDUCE]))
478         if len(reduce_val) < 5:
479             reduce_val.extend([None] * (5 - len(reduce_val)))
480         f, args, state, listitems, dictitems = reduce_val
482         if f == tags.NEWOBJ or getattr(f, '__name__', '') == '__newobj__':
483             # mandated special case
484             cls = args[0]
485             if not isinstance(cls, type):
486                 cls = self._restore(cls)
487             stage1 = cls.__new__(cls, *args[1:])
488         else:
489             if f.__name__ == "scalar" and args[0] == 0.0:
490                 args = list(args)
491                 args[0] = np.dtype(np.float64)
492                 args = tuple(args)
494             stage1 = f(*args)
Python 3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import jsonpickle
>>> jsonpickle.__version__
