rogershen / chrome-regex-search

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Allow choose tags where to search #23

Open rrg92 opened 6 years ago

rrg92 commented 6 years ago

Provide a mechanism to allow filter the tags the code will apply regex.

For example, consider the site containing the GNU BASH manual

Suppose you want find the doc of "declare" builtin. Then, you search for "^declare$"., in order to find the section where contents about "declare" are. Currently, the RegExp extension searches 27 matches.

This is due fact that inside the page, there are many "declare" words inside tags like "code", "var", etc. This is nice, because our search finds reals mentions to the "declare builtin" or some code about it, not only a "declare" simple word...

But, we want a way to search a "declare" that is not middle of a text. For example, if a can specify the "^declare$" apply only to text nodes inside "dt" tag, then, i could find the desired declare. Or better, if i can exclude the any text node inside a "var", or "code" tag, this is useful also.