rogershen / chrome-regex-search

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Highlight search text when re-opening search box via hotkey #3

Closed cxw42 closed 7 years ago

cxw42 commented 7 years ago

Roger, would it be possible for the search form to open with previously-entered text selected in the input field? That way, if I had a new regex to enter, I could type it without first having to clear the field.

Example: I have v1.0.2 installed and mapped to Ctrl+Shift+F. When I hit the hotkey and enter a regex, everything works fine. I then hit Esc to close the search box, and hit Ctrl+Shift+F again. The text I entered is still there (which is fine), but the text is not selected. In order to start a new search, I have to clear the box first.

There is an easy workaround, of course - Shift+Home, Del to clear the box :) . However, I also use Chrome's built-in find (Ctrl+F) for plain-text searching. The behaviour I am requesting is the same as that of the Chrome find. The consistency between the two would make it much easier for me to use Regex Search without regular "Oops --- forgot to clear the box!" moments.

Thanks for considering this request!

Chris White

WofWca commented 4 years ago

Are you sure this is resolved? Does not work for me.